Are there any rural areas of the USA that physically look much the same way they did in the 1700s?

American cities have shaped the way their surroundings look in the two plus centuries since America became a nation. Suburban sprawl and commercial and industrial development have rendered places like Manhattan Island virtually unrecognizable as the wilderness it once was. Some of the rural areas have been changed as well, by past and current agricultural, forestry, and transportation practices.

While we try to re-create the authentic historical "feel" of battlefields like Yorktown, significant city centers like Boston, and old military facilities like Fort Sumter, Americans really don't have any large rural plots of land that have been untouched by the hand of development since 1776.... do we?

Name and describe any physically unchanged areas in the USA. How do they look? How near are they to potential threats to their status as untouched? And for the best answer, describe how they might be preserved to stay that way.


Favorite Answer

I currently live in Southern Arizona and as much as people refer to it as the desert, I can tell you there are hundreds and hundreds of square miles of desert, high desert, and forest lands that look exactly like they looked hundreds of years ago. although I don't have a lot of in depth experience in travel through New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Montana and Texas, I can attest to the fact that all these states have some very rural unchanged landscape dating back a couple of centuries.. You need to get out of that cave and explore the country you live in:)


When I lived in South Dakota there was a hooderite (correct spelling may vary) colony where we would buy meat. They live now just as they lived then. They are deeply religious and strict. Everything is done by hand or beast of burden. The women dress in a very conservative black dress and do not speak when in public. I don't think they share equal rights with men. The food they have is all natural but for real, not like on your can of all natural processed chicken pieces. No computers or automation. Lots of farming and labor. Thats all i can remember. They might have been menonites actuallly, but i dont think so.



JJ S2009-12-17T15:27:03Z

probably a lot of places in Wyoming.