Quit college! Shawarma and Falafel are the only way!!?

too much pressure!
i have a calculus exam on tuesday..
and i have a presentation about an article i chose.. also due tuesday..
and i also have to present my term paper ( 7 pages minimum) due tuesday!!

and i have done nothing yet!!

sometimes i think of quitting college..opening a shwarma and falafel stand in beirut..free delivery 3al mobilette.. 3ennn 3ennn

what should i do!!!


Favorite Answer

Work harder dude.. Education always comes first..
I feel like a shawarma sandwich from Barbar:P


Ohhh!!! I was in the exact same situation!
Okay what I did was I made a to-do list with the dates they're due beside them and little check boxes. Choose one day to do each of them. For example, do your presentation about the article today, and study for your calculus once you're done. Then tomorrow, do your term paper, and study for calculus a bit after. Then save the next two days to study for calculus as I know how hard that is :P
Annnnd....when you study, do the 3:1 ratio. It means study for 30 minutes, break for ten minutes. I do this with all my exams and it really does help you remember everything!!!
Finish college first :P
Then you can open a falafel stand loool

Lebanese <32009-12-20T21:00:05Z

yeee im sooo craving shawarma right now. you have sooo much to do starting is the hardest thing start with what is worth the most and then do the next most important thing. Just get it done so then after you can party and eat all the shawarma and falafel you want.
good luck :)

YO! Seventh Account2009-12-19T18:11:56Z

Ah hahahahaha that's funny. Can we both do it?? I mean you're going to need a partner to co own it so ill help you. Ill quit school!

I know how you feel. Like everything is changing. Next year im going to college and the whole process is making me sooo annoyed. Every single week teachers manage someway to give you tests on the exact same day. Like 4 tests for 4 classes come on. Every monday I work after school and get home at 8-9. And i have to study same with fridays but thats the weekend. And tuesdays and thursdays after school i have to go to my tutor and get home at 8. Im so annoyed. I feel so stressed and im tired of it. I really hate physics too. That takes me like 4 hrs to study for.


thought about it before
first thing i don't have enough money to buy a stand and motorcycle
secondly, my falafel would suck
thirdly, competition with other flafeel stands in egypt would kill my business
fourthly, you look back at all those years and say "i have wasted so many years on education .. lets just waste few more and get something done before i die lol"


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