If you put a magnet next to an electric motor?

If you cut the power to an electric motor and while it is still spinning if you put a strong magnet near the motor will it slow down more quickly with the magnet or without the magnet near it. Assuming that the external magnet is stronger than the magnets inside the motor. And is there a way to implement this without damaging the motor?


im talking a much much smaller scale like a remote control car.


DC motor
9v source


magnet type neodymium magnets attached to a solenoid controlled by a microcontroller.

Edmund B2009-12-19T19:56:04Z

Favorite Answer

You do not specify if it is a DC or AC motor, but that should make no difference.
Yes it will slow down faster and No you can't do it with out damaging the motor. You will likely cause the rotor to hit the armature damage the bearings. Also there the question of interfering with the current generated with the still spinning motor rotor, Those could be high enough, if the magnet is large enough, to exceed the insulation capacity and short the armature.


i dont think that would work.

but if you are talking about creating a self powering/self recharging system then yes. most eliectric cars already have this technology.

a battery that supplies power for the electric motor wich turns an alternator wich in turn creates power for the battery. presdo you've done it.