Youngest age for breast cancer?

i have a lump in my breast that i dont feel on the other. it someitmes gets itchy and theres a rough spot. my mom says im too young (only 13) but im getting freaked out. please help!!


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Listen to your mum.

If you had breast cancer at 13, your case would make news headlines and be written up in medical journals the world over.

Breast cancer is almost unheard of in under 25s - let alone young teens - and fewer than 0.1% of all those diagnosed with it are under 30. Only 5% are under 40, and most women diagnosed with breast cancer are over 50. Some one here has suggested that if you are female having periods you are at risk of breast cancer. The opposite is true; 75% of women diagnosed with breast cancer are postmenopausal, meaning they no longer have periods.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was classed as a 'younger woman'; I was 50.

Most breast lumps, even in women over 50, are NOT cancer.

Itchiness and rough skin suggests that this is a probably a skin condition. Did you find the lump because you were investigating the itching and rough skin? It is very likely coincidence in that case; breasts tend to be lumpy things, and if you examine them with your fingers you are pretty much certain to find lumps.

You may have read about a ten year old girl with breast cancer; her case made worldwide headline news. It was then found that she did not have breast cancer in fact, but a RARE childhood cancer which happened to be located in her breast area.

Yo don't say how long ago you noticed this lump; if it remains the same for two weeks or so, talk to your mother again about seeing a doctor to put your mind at rest. Or, talk to your school nurse; don't be embarrassed, she will be used to girls having worries like this, and will be able to advise you, and almost certainly to reassure you


Youngest Breast Cancer Patient


Breast lumps, like other symptoms, have to be considered along with other symptoms a woman may be having. For example, a new, tender lump that comes up at the same time as skin redness and a fever may be a sign of a breast infection. Still, any new lump or other change should be checked by a doctor or nurse, because at least one type of breast cancer (inflammatory breast cancer) can look a lot like an infection. Sometimes, even doctors have trouble telling the difference. Since this kind of breast cancer grows quickly, get back to the doctor right away with any breast infection that doesn't get better within a few days of being treated.




There is no age limit to cancer of any type. A lot of Breast Cancer is fed by Estrogen and if you are female and having periods, you are producing Estrogen. But in your case, it would be very rare if it did turn out to be cancer. Have your Mom take you to a doc for a check up. It will ease your mind and you can ask questions. Perhaps the doc can give you some reading matter, on what your body is doing at this age. You could have some type of dermatitis(skin irritation. Could also be a milk duct or benign cysts. These things are not fatal. If you are having your periods, this is a huge factor. You could have swelling in your breasts 2 weeks before the onset of your period. Notice if the "lump" is larger and more sensitive during this time. It is pretty normal to have breast fluctuation during a very hormonal time.

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