Jehovah's Witnesses and other Christians: Why are mere men called Lord in the bible?
Numbers 11:28 (King James Version) 28And Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of Moses, one of his young men, answered and said, My lord Moses, forbid them.
Genesis 18:12 (King James Version) 12Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?
Trish: Jehovah's Witnesses don't call Jesus Jehovah. You are confused.
בַר אֱנָשׁ (bar_enosh)2010-01-02T09:28:14Z
Favorite Answer
Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians. Not just believers in Christ, but also obedient followers of Christ.
The term "lord" itself merely means owner or master in the Bible. It does not mean God, and it is not God's Name, although many Bibles wrongly translate God's Name as LORD.
That translation really hides God's real Biblical name, his self-given name YHWH, anglicized as Jehovah.
A lot of confusion would be avoided if Bible translators correctly used God's Name rather than the mere title, "Lord" or "LORD."
The word ‘Lord’ has many different meanings. In the verse that you quoted Numbers 11:28 the word Lord means “to rule”, while the text from Gen 2:4 (LORD) means self Existent or eternal; Jehovah. It can also mean ‘supreme in authority or controller. The meaning will differ according to the context in, which it is used. In the KJV the word LORD when in all cap’s is always referring unto the One True God, the Father of Christ. Private emails accepted. David R
like the person above me said, it is a title of honor. The term "Lord" has been used... well as we see even in biblical times. However I want you to realize something. I don't know if this is used in all bibles, but I think I can say a lot of them. Whenever the old testament refers to the Lord as in God, the word "Lord" is always all uppercase like "LORD." We see this many, many times.
Psalms 42:8- By the LORD decrees his loyal love, and by night gives me a song, a prayer to the living God.
Genisis 11:5- But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the people were building.
Because the word Lord in the Bible does not mean a divine being. Consider the following and the many scriptures cited. You can look them up in your own Bible.
The Greek and Hebrew words rendered “lord” (or such related terms as “sir,” “owner,” “master”) are used with reference to Jehovah God (Eze 3:11), Jesus Christ (Mt 7:21), one of the elders seen by John in vision (Re 7:13, 14), angels (Ge 19:1, 2; Da 12:8), men (1Sa 25:24; Ac 16:16, 19, 30), and false deities (1Co 8:5). Often the designation “lord” denotes one who has ownership or authority and power over persons or things. (Ge 24:9; 42:30; 45:8, 9; 1Ki 16:24; Lu 19:33; Ac 25:26; Eph 6:5) This title was applied by Sarah to her husband (Ge 18:12), by children to their fathers (Ge 31:35; Mt 21:28, 29), and by a younger brother to his older brother (Ge 32:5, 6). It appears as a title of respect addressed to prominent persons, public officials, prophets, and kings. (Ge 23:6; 42:10; Nu 11:28; 2Sa 1:10; 2Ki 8:10-12; Mt 27:63) When used in addressing strangers, “lord,” or “sir,” served as a title of courtesy.—Joh 12:21; 20:15; Ac 16:30.