Were World Wars I and II "Christian" Wars?

Please give your reasons.
Christians, please give your scriptural reasons?


Panza 1_99- In a sense they were. Matthew 24:6,7; Revelation 6:4
And, many (if not most) of the people fighting in them professed Christianity.
I am not a veteran, but I come from a family full of veterans.


Panza 1_99- In a sense they were. Matthew 24:6,7; Revelation 6:4
And, many (if not most) of the people fighting in them professed Christianity.
I am not a veteran, but I come from a family full of veterans.


Don't know why that printed twice. OOPS


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No-even though most of the particpants in some of the theaters were mostly Christian the issues were encomic and political and not religous ones.

My name a Borat from Kazakhstan2010-01-03T17:06:07Z

Scriptural? That doesn't really paint any part of those wars, the first one was a German war started because Germany was feeling surrounded by it's enemies (France, Poland, Russia, Italy) with the European alliance and the US wanted to aid the Polish and British before the war got worse.
The second was started with the US, because Japan was feeling that it's economy was threatened and they would loose oil so they bombed Pearl Harbor, and we simply retaliated.

Of course there are many other reasons but none of them have to really do with Christianity. Hitler simply used Christianity as a scape goat to fuel his war.


No they were Imperial Wars

WW1- Was for Imperial Land

WW2- Imperialist Communist vs Imperialist Fascist


They were zionist wars. Why killing christians when you can make them kill each other ?, and today they are saying, why killing christians and muslims when you can make them kill each other ?.

The Rotschild family gave financial support for both wars, they helped both Hitler and the allies, but of course you won't read that in the history books.


Maybe you should read up on both wars. Those two wars are not in the Bible.

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