do we now live in a totalitarian state?

Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state, usually under the control of a single political organization, faction, or class domination, recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible. Totalitarianism is generally characterized by the coincidence of authoritarianism (i.e., where ordinary citizens have no significant share in state decision-making) and ideology (i.e., a pervasive scheme of values promulgated by institutional means to direct the most significant aspects of public and private life).


it appears people can't read the full definition.


the republicans (as a party) have NEVER had FULL control of gov't in the last 30 years, which means those who answered gwb and reagan did NOT read the definition and/or comprehend it.

Clatty Mary2010-01-05T04:42:33Z

Favorite Answer

Yes we do, unfortunately many cannot see it because of their conditioning.
There are none so enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.

Read this and pass it on.

J N2010-01-05T04:37:19Z

Nobody ever lived in a "total"itarian society, only some of them believed they did. The rest were suppressed by a pack mentality to react based on precieved theories of mankinds behavior. Other than that, current society is rather non existant on the plane of giving too much of **** on this question. As long as there is money to be made and food to eat, this gives little difference to how we live our lives. So the answer to your question, no, we have never lived in a totalitarian state. We have always been apart of a chaotic anarchy that we give names to and pretend we know how things will turn out based on divine right. And when tragedy happens we blame the sinners, and hug our believed angels. Until they too become our precieved evil and we purge them from our rightous minds.


Since the 1980,s.Your avatar (perhaps your hero) ushered in that era.You do know your hero is responsible for hundreds and thousands of deaths throughout Central and South America, don't you?

The only place worthy of Reagan's face is toilet paper.


no we just got out of one, 8 years of dictator ship from GW Bush, a mentally challenged person ran the world and it all worked out okay. Nope never mind that everything actually fell apart just like you would of expected it too. Thanks republicans


Totalitarianism light (more control less freedom)

by historical standards

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