Final Fantasy XI, Online MMO?

Is this game an online MMO game? or what is it, because a report I read about it said someone was selling a hack-cheat device for the game, and it was giving certain players unfair advantages over other players, well the only FF game I played was Tactics, and you couldn't even have 2 players, and even if you could have..8 players..i dont see how a hack device would matter unless there was online play, and even if it was online play, it would have to be an MMo for it to matter because othewise you aren't capable of progression, and if theres no progression, no one cares.

So, FF XI is an MMO? :O


Favorite Answer

You create a character and choose a job (class) for it.
Beginning jobs are: Warrior, Thief, Monk, White Mage, Red Mage, Black Mage.

There is no character level, but there is Job Level -- You can switch jobs anytime you wish.

For example, my FFXI character is a Level 75: Red Mage, Thief, Monk, and Dancer. But I also have other lower level jobs that I could play if I chose.

You can only have one character on FFXI for the subscription cost of $12.95/mo. But you may add additional character slots for $1 added to your monthly fee.


I'm sorry, but you have to be sleeping under a rock not to know the various Final Fantasy games out there. I mean everyone who been awake in the past 13 years would know each version of Final Fantasy out there. Where were you?