Are ornamental Crosses, Crucifixes, or Stars of David idolatrous?

What about paintings and statues of Mary and Jesus, and such things?


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Not unless you worship them. That's the definiton of idolatry - WORSHIPPING something or someone other than the one true God. I can't imagine anyone WORSHIPPING a statue or a picture, can you???


Only if you are worshipping them. More likely idols of this modern day are:

Your home
Your cool car
Your clothing, fashion items
Another person

An idol is anything that you place FIRST before God. That can be just about anything. I see people completely absorbed and obsessed with another person. I see people who put their career first.

To have a a knick-knack or a cross around your neck is not idol worship; it could be if you place thos items before your relationship with God - for example, if you have a little statue of Mary and pray to the thing, thats treading in dangerous waters and I strongly suggest re-thinking it.


If you worship it and hold more value to it than your belief in God of Israel, then it is an idol. An idol can be anything, even money and power. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.


crosses, not neccessarily, crucifixes, sometimes, star of david, not even slightly.

in Judaism a star of david is not seen as a representation, symbol of, or reminder of God. it is a symbol of the people.... not of God.

and its not pagan... thats absurd and idiotic.


I am atheist but I think idolatry would be human depictions of Jesus or Mary of saints. Also it is very dumb to call people Jesus or Mohammed those names should be left alone.

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