My avocados always go bad before I use them?

I'm not a huge fan of avocados. I know they are a super food in a lot of ways, so I do try to eat them here and there. I mainly only buy them when I am making sushi rolls at home. I almost always have a lot left over.
Besides sushi, how else can I use them? I am not a fan of guacamole, so that obvious idea won't work for me.
The other day I mashed it and used it as a "dressing" on my veggie sandwich and it wasn't too bad. Any other creative ideas that will mask the taste and texture would be fab.
{{veggie hugs}}


d357..thanks for that. I was just about to add details to ask if maybe I was storing it incorrectly, thus leading to its early demise. I'll try that next time!

Divided By Zero2010-01-09T07:42:49Z

Favorite Answer

If you mean you have a partial avocado left over, then you have to act fast as they spoil quickly once introduced to air (think of an apple browning after you bite it). Leaving leftover avocado in an airtight container with the mother seed in it is the best option for short term storage, but it still won't last too long.

You have more options if you have whole avocados left over. Avocados are fairly unique in that they don't start to ripen until after they are picked. If you catch them at the market early enough, they will still be hard. You can put these in the fridge so they won't get ripe (at least it will take a lot longer). When you know you'll need them, just take one out and leave it on the counter in a paper bag. It will usually be ripe and ready in a day. They're ripe when they're just soft to the touch (you'll be able to press into the fruit fairly easily). Of course if you need an avocado immediately then your best bet is to buy one that is already ripe.

Sun ☼Shine☼2010-01-07T06:52:39Z

I LOVE LOVE LOVE avocados! I even eat them all by them selves. But whenever I eat a sandwich I put avocado in it instead of Mayo or any other type of dressing. The flavor is so much better and is better for you! I also put them on vegetarian omelets and it is so yummy! Just keep in mind when you are eating if avocado would taste good on it. Be creative and good luck!

Also, they sell these plastic things in the shape of half of an avocado that you connect with half of an avocado you haven't eaten and it keeps it much fresher.


First of all, store them in the fridge and buy fairly hard ones. They'll last a lot longer. My favorite way to eat an avocado is to cut it in half, fill the little "bowl" where the pit was with salsa, and stick it in the microwave for about a minute. Yummy! They are also good warmed up with garlic salt on them.

Live Free or Pancakes2010-01-07T07:36:31Z

i think if you buy any food you don't want to eat, you'll always have the problem of them "going bad" before you eat them.

As a lover of avocados, I forgive you if you do not want to buy them. More for me.

and PS when they're black and mushy that's actually the best time!


i slice them up along with a tomato. i put the slice of avocado on top of slice of tomato then salt.also i heard that if you save half of the avocado, then leave the seed in it to help remain fresh.

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