This is very serious. Mexicans please explain........?

In/near Houston, Texas, many business' & restaurants cater to the Mexican/illegal alien population who, after using the restroom, wipe & throw the paper into a waste can next to the toilet. This is a filthy, disgusting, & illegal habit. Some one please explain why????? I am pretty sure some of these establishments supply the little trash can by the toilet, because their patrons throw the soiled paper on the floor if none is available. This is not a joke! I'd like a real explanation.


Favorite Answer

Mexicans in Mexico prefer to put their used toilet paper in a waste basket and if there is none will in fact throw it on the floor. We don't really know why. Some people think it has something to do with a superstition that toilet paper will clog the drain.


unlawful extraterrestrial beings who're in this u . s . a . are regulation breakers. They enter this u . s . a . illegally. what's incorrect with utilising a passport? i think unlawful extraterrestrial beings are no longer civilized sufficient. that's less complicated to hop over the wall and sneak in. Breaking the regulation is greater ideal than utilising a visa or passport. It tells me that those people have no appreciate for individuals or national borders. Employers who hire those unlawful extraterrestrial beings are additionally breaking the regulation. they should bypass to detention center for promoting human trafficking and smuggling. In Russia, they do no longer tolerate unlawful immigration. unlawful is illegitimate. Russians are smart people. They enforce their immigration rules and rapidly deport all regulation breakers. they do no longer take crap from unlawful extraterrestrial beings. i understand those Russians.

Mimi "Winning" Sprinkle2010-01-07T07:40:32Z

lol not all of them do that, but maybe they throw it on the floor because they think the toilet will clog with all the toilet paper they use.


I'm Mexican.

I don't do that.

Don't know how to explain it to you.

Thanks for the 2 points.


watch your mouth im mexican