When I try to access my group homepage, I'm redirected to a Dell page with the following:?

Sorry, we couldn't find http://pets.groups.yahoo.comnofiledartiframe.html/%3FadParams%3D959070%252FR%253D0%252F*http%253A%252F%252Fad.doubleclick.net%252Fclick%25253Bh%253Dv8%252F391b%252F7%252Fed%252F%25252a%252Fj%25253B220766742%25253B0-0%25253B0%25253B43420251%25253B3454-728%252F90%25253B34100918%252F34118799%252F1%25253B%25253B%25257Esscs%25253D%25253f%26clickN%26type%3DExpandingFlash%26uniqueId%3D1257527070245%26thirdPartyImpUrl%26thirdPartyFlashDisplayUrl%26thirdPartyBackupImpUrl%26surveyUrl%26googleContextDiscoveryUrl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpagead2.googlesyndication.com%252Fpagead%252Fads%253Fclient%253Ddclk-3pas-query%2526output%253Dxml%2526geo%253Dtrue%26livePreviewSiteUrl%3D%2525LivePreviewSiteUrl%26servingMethod%3Di. Here are some related websites:


Favorite Answer

What fails to get answered - y'all seem to be using Dell's or Dell based OS's.

So by default, those browsers aren't finding the page, therefore you're going to get sent to a default Dell page that they seem to have popped in there for 'errors' instead of the usual 404 Not Found rather blank page that should show up.

Your PC is doing it, but the question is why aren't those pages showing up? I've had more and more false negatives trying to get to Yahoo pages the last couple of weeks - methinks there's your problem. And they'll do nothing about it, so you can file a complaint but don't expect a real solution.

This usually happens when Yahoo introduces something new or a new service or runs low on cash and all the servers get redirected to those jobs while the regular stuff we use goes down the tubes like this. Been going on for a decade now.


In Internet Explorer, go to Tools, Manage Add-ons. In the Toolbars and Extensions list, scroll down to the Dell add-ons. Disable any Dell browser helpers or search helpers you find there. Close Internet Explorer and restart it - Check your work! I figured this out when my My Yahoo page kept getting redirected to a Google/Dell search page. I disabled/re-enabled the Google and Dell add-ons until I found the offender.


I also am having this problem except I am forced to a gateway browsing page. I have been in contact with Yahoo twice with more information and still do not have the answer. It is also only on the pet pages and in particular for me the Irish Water Spaniel Splash Page in Canada. Which I have to post a newsletter to by Friday.
Did anyone get any answers?

Wendy O


This is so annoying. I belong to a dachshund rescue group and received an email regarding a transport that I could possibly assist. It does seem to be animal rescue group sites. If yahoo can't be relied on, then perhaps a move must be made to a different provider. Meantime, until fixed just not planning to buy from your sponsors / advertisers.

Lori B2010-01-07T19:02:46Z

I am having the same problem. I can get in at work but not at home with my Dell. I have deleted all cookies, temp files and...

I am a member of a doxie rescue group and I know a lot of our members having the same problem...I wish someone would come up with a fix to this problem

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