Should I become a hairstylist?

I have been working in retail for 11 years and I am looking for a change. I am thinking about going to school to be a hairstylist. I have 2 kids and I can not keep working at a company that requires working nights. I have always wanted to learn how to cut and style hair. My issue is this, I am a very friendly person but I have a lot of trouble starting conversations with people I don't know. A lot of stylists are very perky and talkative. I don't want to be the stylist who just cuts hair but does not develop a relationship (not that kind!) with their clients. Other than cutting hair well that relationship with your client keeps them coming back. Should I go for it? Will I eventually get better at conversation with strangers as time goes by? Has anyone else gone through this? I am so confused....
Oh and what is the average salary for a stylist just starting out in a semi-small town?


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well my mom is a stylist but she used to not be that talkative into she started. You might think you won't but once you get in there you'd get comfortable and start talking more. The average salary would be about 20,00 0to 30,000 a year. Depending on how much you do hair. and about to 1,000 o 2,000 a month. I think You should go for it. It's a perfect opportunity and it's pretty fun so my mom tells me. just my opinion hope it helps.


I have been a stylist for over 40 years and I haven't always been the best conversationalist in the beginning. and believe me I remember the beginning! Contrary to popular belief, we are not all behind the times.
I think if you decide to go to school, you will find that there are pros and cons ,but the personal freedom of being a stylist is very worth it. I raised my daughter as a single parent back in the day and still had a fulfilling career. But there are those Saturdays.
I love it as much now as I did then.
The easiest thing I can say is start you conversation with a warm hello and SMILE.The art of the consultation is a good place to start with conversation. Once you find out what they want, how they plan to work with it after they leave your chair, what they're lifestyle is like, you find out so much about them you will find you have a lot of info to start with. Just remember talk about them, not so much about you. Just when they ask.
Stay out of the MUCK!!!! Salons are sometimes inhabited with not so nice coworkers but, you will find that anywhere as you may already know in retail.I always liked to stay out of the gossip and concentrate on you not what others say. Having said that if you find that you are part of the team right off the bat. That's a good team to be with. Stylist are not all bad, and I would say that 90% of them are great people.
Stay educated. Show up for classes, especially if they are free. That is another thing to talk about! What are the lastest in cuts, color, etc. You will be asked that question from time to time.
I would advise you to go to and fill out their small questionaire. Your zip code, experience, etc. and you will find out the average pay in your area.
Good luck I hope this helps.


I think that becoming a hair stylist is a great idea! It sounds like a really good job for you, and you seem to like the idea.
Don't worry, I'm sure that you'll quickly become less shy around people once you start to work in a salon daily.


Since you think of yourself has a bad conversationalist, start with a basic "Hello" and say "You've come to the right place"! To me, it seems you're passionate about hair styling. I think as time goes by, you will get better. It will be okay if you stick to your goal! It's gonna start out confusing but just keep moving forward. And sorry but I don't know the answer to your last question.


Ok..........I have been a Hairdresser for going on 25 years in a VERY small town.............and It has been the very best thing I have ever done for me...........I was shy as well and had a hard time communicating with people, but guess what in order to start my own business,.....I had to.....and it really helped me come out of my I do all sorts of things..........

Having a Cosmetologist License........the world is your oyster......not only do I still have my business, but I travel the world, doing "on-site evaluation visits" to cosmetology schools, sit on my State Board of Cosmetology and I even went back and earned my Instructor's License as well....

But a word of is HARD work........and you must be dedicated and when you get a job and go to work, stay put and be responsible, consistent and reasonable.....stay true to yourself.......this is not an easy profession.........lots of jealously, envy and nonsense goes along with it....(sorry to say) but factual...........but very rewarding as well..............and roughly 35,000 to 50,000 depending on where you are and how well you do at taking care of clientele............good luck and yes go, but do your homework on schools in your area........and remember.....take care of your business........and your business will take care of you.....

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