Hello ^.^ So yesterday I had this dream...and I think it might be like a warning...or important meaning.
My dream consister of me getting into a HUGE fight with my parents...but I can't remember why =S So they took me to the Hair salon and told the guy to put my hair into a pony tail and snip the hair off. Now, you're probably wondering 'Big deal, just a haircut..' But I value my hair A LOT...probably more than any other part in my body. It's pretty long...past my boobs lol. Going back to the dream, right in the moment when my parents said that, before the Hair cutter person could do anything, I threatened my parents. I can't remember what I said...but it really like shocked them. So I [thank the lord] didn't get my hair snipped off. I woke up freaking out checking if my hair was still the same length lol.
Anyways, what do you think this means? Please, try to be as helpful as possible.
Thank You!
Favorite Answer
maybe it's saying that you need to learn to let go. or that you need to be less attached. not necessarily to your hair. it could be other things as well.
To dream that someone is giving you a haircut, suggests that you are experiencing a decreased sense of power. You may feel that you were criticized unfairly. dreammoods.com
that may help, but maybe not. considering you didn't actually get your hair cut in your dream. but don't worry, some dreams can be very random. your dream isn't going to happen in real life. if you were worried.
I think it suggests you have anxiety over the time approaching when you may be expected to step into more responsibility. You're body is evidence that you are no longer that little kid who could leave everything up to mom & dad, but for now your hair hides it to some degree. Having your hair suddenly lopped off would expose your almost adult appearance, and your parents might want you to work, pay bills etc ... maybe even move out of the nest.
Can Dreams Foretell The Future? FROM ancient times, mankind has had intense interest in dreams. The Egyptians prepared elaborate books for dream interpretation, and the Babylonians had their dream interpreters. Among the Greeks the custom was to have sick people sleep in the shrines of Asclepius to receive health instructions in their dreams. In the second century of our Common Era, Artemidorus produced a book in which he gave interpretations of dream symbols. Many similar books produced since then have been based on his book. Down to this day, efforts are made to interpret dreams, but do they actually give insight into future events?
For them to have a futuristic significance, they would have to be influenced by a superior force. In the Bible we find many instances in which God supplied that very force. He gave prophetic dreams to his servants as well as to some who did not worship him. In fact, Job 33:14-16 says: " God speaks . . . in a dream, a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, during slumbers upon the bed. It is then that he uncovers the ear of men."
I would not worry about it, But what I do if I have a dream & it don't really make any sense, I would write it down & date it & put it in a file & wait to see what happens, I have had several dreams that has came to pass, Not right away, but as long as 10 yrs after I dream it,
Dreams are just a bunch of random thoughts in the back of your head trying to make sense of it. So you probably felt guilty or something before you went to bed, causing that dream you had. It doesn't mean anything. :)