Do you have any strange fears?

Do you have any strange fears or phobias that have manifested themselves into your daily life?

For example, I'm terrified of some serial killer breaking into my apartment while I'm in the shower and hacking me to death with a knife. That is why 4 out of my 5 shower curtains are clear - I don't want to be taken by surprise. At least I can see him as he approaches.

Strange, I know.

Anyone else have oddities like that?


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(I used to be afraid of the same thing after I saw Psycho for the 1st time haha)
But now, I'm afraid when I walk my dog at night, like someone is going to rape me or attack, same feeling while riding the subway.
I also have a HUGE fear of midgets, I know it's not their fault, but I do cry when I see one

Speak your heart; don't bite your tongue.™ღ2010-01-12T09:04:36Z

Yeah, don't think I'm weird or anything but my phobias: I'm scared of clowns and I'm scared of escalators o_0...
I'm scared that I'm going drop off the escalator

Like you, I'm also scared that someone is just going to come in my house. I'm really scared that someone is hiding in my wardrobe after I watched When a Stranger Calls, so now before I go to bed I check under my bed and I check my wardrobe and I make sure everything is lock.

Haha, I'm such a baby!


Not afraid of heights or falling Just that sudden STOP! Oh and maggots... I HATE maggots. When I was 4 fell in a hole and was covered with them...When I was 7 I ran through a field and tripped over a dead guy, his whole face was covered in them... That is my one and only phobia in life... just typing this gives me the creeps....eeeeeek


kinda, i hate silence. im not scared of it buh where ever i am i need some kind of noise so i talk non-stop which really annoys my teachers during test's coz i talk to myself when working out the answers lmao. i know it sound weird buh its just lyk the way you would think in your head only i verbalise the thoughts coz it helps me think clearer and means i dont have to sit in silence


strangers getting too close to me or touching my face

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