If a candidate can't spell the name of their state are they qualified to represent it?

Coakley Attack Ad Misspells "Massachusetts"


The Democrat candidate for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts mispelled her state's name in her first ad. Is she qualified for high public office? Or is this acceptable because she is a Democrat?


Steve, it sounds like she didn't even watch the ad before airing it, let alone typing. Says something about accepting responsibility for subordinates actions and really being engaged.


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lol, I'm sure Democrats can forgive ANYTHING that their party does. And you should know by now that no Democrat is responsible for anything that their campaign does!!! In fact, they're not even responsible for anything that they themselves do... it's time you learned that lol

I'll tell you what else is funny... Tim Kaine, who is the Governor of Virginia and also the head of the Democrat National Committee, said the he thought Obama would do well in Virginia (in the 2008 election) in part because he chose Biden as a running mate, since Delaware (Biden's state) borders on Virginia.

A glance of a U.S. map shows that Delaware, in fact, does NOT border Virginia. So the Democrat Governor of Virginia is on record not even knowing which states are bordered by his own.

Here is the Coakley ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXqeetngbas

lol jeeper, very true about Obama and the "Kentucky/Arkansas" border lol

and lol, I love seeing folks on the left like C3PO just go nuts about Palin!!


Heck, during the democratic primary.

After hillary clinton won the kentucky primary.

Obama said that's not surprising, since Arkansas is closer to Kentucky than Illinois is.

For those who do not know.

Illinois and Kentucky share a common border

Kentucky and Arkansas do NOT share a border.


Back on 2005 or so, the Democratic National Committee decided that they supported US servicemen. So they made a special section on the DNC web page to show their support.

Except they put a picture of a foreign soldier ( canadian ) on the web page, instead of a US soldier.


Not necessarily her but if that is an indication of the people she picks for her media and campaign staff, the voters of Massachusetts might want to take a harder look.

But then, they have Barney Frank also so she probably looks like a genius.


That's just funny.Guess we can safely assume that whoever put together the Ad is definitely a product of the Public Schools.


Incarcerated Bert2010-01-13T04:27:53Z

Sounds like they need better campaign staff to me.

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