Bladder bursting during a car accident. True or urban legend?

I once heard that the main cause of death in car accidents is not the accident itself. The reason that people die is because their bladder is full and the impact of the crash causes it to burst, sending a large amount of toxins into the body and *that* kills the person.

Is this true or just a myth? I couldn't find anything on the Internet about it, so if you have any links, that would be appreciated.


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A burst bladder will cause toxins to enter the body and can be dangerous. BUT, it would take days or even weeks for the toxins to harm the body enough to cause serious damage or death.


It's widely believed that Tycho Brahe died of a burst bladder. His death took days. Recent speculation, however, suggests that Kepler poisoned him with mercury.

Since so many people believe the burst bladder hypothesis is plausible, I would hope it has the support of medical professionals who know this is a possibility.

By the way, when we talk about a "burst bladder," it's probably not burst into several small pieces like a balloon, but likely has a single small rupture through which the urine escaped.

Elaine M2010-01-13T10:10:52Z


If you're in an accident and going even 30mph, the impact causes a shock reaction that can shut down your heart and other organs.

Having toxins from the bladder and kidneys go into you would take 24 hours to do it's job. It is not quick.


Death Car Urban Legend


I'm sure that it COULD be a cause of death, but there is no way it is considered a "main" cause of death. This may gross you out, but my mom hit a deer with her car a few years ago and it's bladder burst from the impact, (told you it was gross), but if it happened with a deer, i'm sure it could happen with a person.

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