Why weren't neighboring countries affected by Haiti Quake?

Why arent neighboring countries such as the Dominican Republic and Jamaica affected by the quake, or are they merely not talked about since Haiti was already an economic disaster already?


Ahh, ignore the second already...


Thank you michael, and for those of you who need some touching up on your geography, the dominican republic shares a border with Haiti


Haha, @ peacepoet

I wouldn't doubt it, i know they used to have zombies lol


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The quake was felt in the Dominican Republic but at that point several hundred miles away it did not cause damage.


I actually live in Jamaica, and the right side of the island felt the tremor. It just did not cause any damage. Maybe Haiti was more on the fault line... Or something like that >.<


It did get effected, just not as severely. The center of earthquake was about 50 miles away from the border and the places of the Dominican that did get hit were mostly rural.


huh, well i'm not sure, but listen to this: a few people believe Haiti got attacked because they made a deal with the devil in the 1700s. Crazy or realistic?


haiti was probably to isolated to have the seismic waves travel to the other countries but i dont know becuase im not looking at a map and they could have beeen but it wasnt as bad but just a little jolt

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