Can I claim Housing Benefit?

Can I claim housing benefit if i am out of work and my husband earns £17k pa? It is possible that I may lose my job, which comes with accommodation, therefore I would be jobless and homeless at the same time! If we rented a flat, would we get help until I found a new job. The other thing is, my husband owns a flat, which is mortgaged and rented out. We make no money from it, and contribute towards the mortgage. It does have some equity in it, but don't want to sell it as its for the long term and i would only intend to be out of work for a short time. Would having a flat go against a claim?

Before anyone leaves any nasty comments, this will be the first time ever that i would be needing to claim any benefits and have worked for 28 years, its just i don't know anything about the benefits system.


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