What happens to the souls of the three day old embryos that were sacrificed for stem cell research and therapy?
Do they get conceived, hang out a few days in momma's womb as a little ball of undifferentiated cells, and then are taken to use for the betterment of the human race,
and then they get to heaven and god says something like" damn, that sucks a big one that you never got to experience life, and even though your earthly existence helped other suffering people, because I don't do the whole reincarnation thing, you're pretty much SOL, so kick back and enjoy the harp music for all eternity, little blastocyst, because that's how long you're gonna be here"
And then do the stem cell researchers go to hell because they are using the embryos to help others (doesn't that make them a martyr in a way?) even though all proposed embryos to be used come from fertility clinics that would otherwise throw the unneeded embryos away (because the parents already had all the children they could handle)?