If I have aluminum wiring in my house?

And want to replace the breakers/breaker-box can I use the "off the shelf" kits or do I have to get special ones?


"put copper jumpers between AL wire at receptacles and switches" - anyone have a link to these? Or a "how-to" site?


Favorite Answer

The wiring is not the problem-- the connections at the receptacles and switches are put copper jumpers between AL wire at receptacles and switches and this will solve your concerns--ensure all connection at panel are tight then no problems--


You could use an off the shelf electrical panel.

I would replace the breakers with AFCI (ARC Fault Circuit Interrupter) breakers.

If you do this you may have some of the new breakers trip.

1 Do to actual arcs.
2 Do to the way the wires are connected to each other in boxes through out your home.

This requires some GOOD electrical knowledge and troubleshooting ability.

There are some electricians that may have trouble with this.

EDIT: You do not have to re-wire your home. It does require that you understand how aluminum reacts to heat (expanding and contraction).
Do a lot of research on this subject. To short of a space to explain it properly here.


You own this home?
Replace all of it.. alum is not good to have. If you have the funds to do so then do it all.

If not replace what you have funds for.

Starting with the elec panel box is not a good idea. Unless you replace the wire going into it as well.

Big job that you should get est for from a lic elec.


You can use any breaker box.
I have knob and tube wiring in my house and the landlord just used a regular breaker box.


you need breaker, switches & plugs marked for aluminum

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