any really good astronomy documentaries?

Ive been watching astronomy documentaries for years now, and i have run out sources.
can you give me any good astronomy documentaries like this one
that one abpve was really good, can you give some that are like that.


Favorite Answer

If you want to be educated, instead of just entertained, try a DVD course from Teaching Company. Ask you librarian to get them for you.

"My Favorite Universe", by DeGrasse, is aimed at a grade-school audience, about the same level as the vid link you gave. (12 half-hour lectures).

"Understanding the Universe", by Filippenko, is aime at a more sophisicated audience. It is university level without the math. (96 half-hour lectures).


Check out this guys youtube profile he add's almost any kind of Universe program that tends to be shown on Discovery/History Channel or any other channel. I usally keep up to date with any of his latest Universe videos he uploads, their pretty interesting and alot of facts to be known

Click 'See All' on his Uploads and type in his search bar Universe or The Universe. You will have a good range of videos to pick from check the titles and click the topics that sound interesting or you want to further know about.

Hope that helped!