Is the IPCC wrong about Bangladesh losing land to the sea because of global warming?
According to the IPCC Bangladesh will lose 17% of its land by 2050 because of rising sea levels caused by global warming.
Given that man-made global warming started around 1950, according to current theory, what has the effect of it been so far on Bangladesh's land area?
According to Bangladesh's own government scientists, the country is actually GAINING land, as an interview with a Bangladeshi newspaper made clear:
""Bangladesh - New data shows that Bangladesh's landmass is increasing, contradicting forecasts that the South Asian nation will be under the waves by the end of the century, experts say.
Scientists from the Dhaka-based Center for Environment and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS) have studied 32 years of satellite images and say Bangladesh's landmass has increased by 20 square kilometres (eight square miles) annually.
Maminul Haque Sarker, head of the department at the government-owned centre that looks at boundary changes, said sediment which travelled down the big Himalayan rivers the Ganges and the Brahmaputra -- had caused the landmass to increase.
The [IPCC] says 20 million Bangladeshis will become environmental refugees by 2050 and the country will lose some 30 per cent of its food production
Director of the US-based NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, professor James Hansen, paints an even grimmer picture, predicting the entire country could be under water by the end of the century.
But Sarker said that while rising sea levels and river erosion were both claiming land in Bangladesh, many climate experts had failed to take into account new land being formed from the river sediment.
"Satellite images dating back to 1973 and old maps earlier than that show some 1,000 square kilometres of land have raised from the sea," Sarker said.""
So contrary to IPCC predictions, and global warming theory, Bangladesh is gaining land, not losing it. Mahfuzur Rahman, head of Bangladesh Water Development Board's Coastal Study and Survey Department cannot understand why the IPCC keeps insisting that Bangladesh will lose large areas of land. He says:
"""For almost a decade we have heard experts saying Bangladesh will be under water, but so far our data has shown nothing like this,""
"The land Bangladesh has lost so far has been caused by river erosion, which has always happened in this country. Natural accretion due to sedimentation and dams has more than compensated this loss," Rahman said. Bangladesh, a country of 140 million people, has built a series of dykes to prevent flooding.
"If we build more dams using superior technology, we may be able to reclaim 4,000 to 5,000 square kilometres in the near future," Rahman said. ""
Do you agree with the scientists who work for the Bangladeshi government that the IPCC is flat out wrong on this?