Where can I buy SheerCover makeup in stores (in the US)?

I tried Bed Bath and Beyond, Sephora, and Ulta. The only place that had it was the first, and they only sold the whole starter kit ("as seen on TV"); I'm looking for individual things like just the mascara and the eyeshadow. I don't want to order online because of shipping fees! Is there any place who carries it here and is willing to sell me just the eye stuff?
Thanks! = )


Favorite Answer

i rly hope that u dnt look anything like ur avatar....


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Where can I buy SheerCover makeup in stores (in the US)?
I tried Bed Bath and Beyond, Sephora, and Ulta. The only place that had it was the first, and they only sold the whole starter kit ("as seen on TV"); I'm looking for individual things like just the mascara and the eyeshadow. I don't want to order online because of shipping fees!...


If you go to Lord and Taylor ( I have no idea if they have it near you) you can go to the counter where they sell the certain brands.


Try http://cshopping.net/buy