Computer networking? Help?

i have a router
I have a vista ( I want this to be my main computer, but its a wireless laptop, and i have a 3rd computer that runs the modem and router)

The lap top is a vista
The 2 desktops are both XP's

I want to start a network so that my laptop can access files on my desktop.
Can anyone give me some short tips on how to do this? I realize you might not have enough information, but there should still be a general way, like what are the general steps I need to take?

I know theres no programs I need, but when i run the wizard it acts like i need a flashdrive? and when i do it it doesnt seem to activate. idk, so can someone just give me some basic instructions from beginning to end?


Favorite Answer

In addition to the general network setup, you need to turn on File Sharing. You can select entire folders (or files) by right-clicking. Select Sharing and Security. The options are there. You will see a hand icon attached to all folders or files (or drives) you do this to. You find these files in you network page. Look under Entire Network to find those folders or files. It can take a while to show up but they will be there. It's been a while since I've done this but that's the basic idea.