what exactly is a neutrino?

What exactly is a neutrino?
How are they formed?
what is there mass and their speed?
please answer all those questions and any other information you have about neutrinos, im curious and it will be of much help.
Thank You.


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There is this wonderful search engine, Google, that has the answer to all your questions.

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Neutrinos are a family of six fundamental particles (3 particles and three anti-particles) which are believed to have a very very small mass. Originally they were thought to have a zero rest-mass, but current theory requires that they have some mass which enables them to oscillate into one another.
They travel at close to the speed of light (if they are massless they would travel at the speed of light) and have no electrical charge. In fact they interact very little with matter.
They are fundamental particles, part of the basic set of tinker-toys that the universe is made up of.
Wikipedia neutrino