how do you say sleep to dream in latin?

need "sleep to dream" translated into latin. Best answer gets 10 points.

Donatello Noboddi2010-01-28T12:36:37Z

Favorite Answer

I've seen spectacularly douchetard answers to Latin questions here, so let me preface this by saying I have six years' Latin. Now... Latin is a *much* more specific language than English. In your English "sleep to dream," sleep could be a noun or verb, and if you mean it as a verb, Latin has different endings for person, number, tense, infinitive, participle, gerund.... So, I'll give you a few translations, and you can pick which is the best fit for your intent.

I sleep for the purpose of dreaming (sleep in order to dream):
ad somniandum dormio

To sleep for the purpose of dreaming (sleep in order to dream):
ad somniandum dormire

I sleep so that I may dream:
dormio ut somniem

To sleep so that I may dream:
dormire ut somniem

A literal translation of the infinitive "to dream," "somniare," would not be appropriate here. I hope this helps... I'll bookmark this, so respond if you need further clarification.

Oh yeah, I forgot commands. Substitute the "dormio" or "dormire" above with:

may you (singular) sleep: dormias
may you (plural) sleep: dormiatis
sleep! (singular): dormi
sleep! (plural): dormite

And substitute "ut somniem" with:
so that you (singular) may dream: ut somnies
so that you (plural) may dream: ut somnietis