what do you guys think about mah current glad beast build?

2x Laquari
2x Samnite
2x Equeste
2x Thunder Thunder Thunder King Rai ooooooh (yes that is a thunder cats reference)
1x Bestiari
1x Hoplomus
1x Darius
1x Murmillo
1x Retiari
1x E Hero Prisma
1x Blackwing Gale
1x Gorz
1x Tragoedia

2x Proving Ground
3x Book of Moon
2x E. Con
2x Shrink
1x My body as a shield
1x MST
1x Heavy
1x Trunade

2x Chariot
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Icarus atk
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Trap Dustshoot
3x Waboku

extra...the usual 2 gyzarus 2 herk and mah synchros


Favorite Answer

Your deck looks very decent, the guy above me called Die has some good points but is wrong about a few things.

Take out Trap Dustshoot, it is a good card but is normally a sort of "last thought" kind of card. Icarus Attack is a good idea as you do have a few Winged Beasts.
Replace 1 Shink (already have a Gale too) with a Brain Control and then your Spells are fine.

For Monsters, take out Tragoedia (doesn't really work in this deck) and add 3 Test Tiger (staples). This will bring your deck to a total of 41 cards, so I would suggest taking out any 1 more card of your choice.

Not all Gladiator Beast decks are the same and this one is very unique, but will definitely work. I guess Tragoedia over Test Tiger could also work.


- Missing some staple Gb cards, some really random techs (Like gorz? Gbs arent supposed to be waiting for empty fields)
-1x Gorz
-1x Trag
-1x Gale (Gbs should be going for their contact fusions, NOT Synchros)
-2x Thunder king (He's good, but should be sided)
+3 x Test tiger (Test tiger x3 is STAPLE in Gladiator beasts, it allows u to search out, use the first Gb ability
then attack and tag out again)
+1 x Rescue cat
+1 x Gladiator Beast Secutor

-2 shrink
-1 Giant Trunade
-2 E.Con
+1 Cold wave
+2 gladiator beasts' respite (Contrary to wat some people think, this is a GOOD card, it sets hands up)

- 1x Trap dustshoot (it's kinda eh in this format)
-1x Icarus attack (not enough targets)
+1x War chariot (3 is a must in gbs)
+1x torrential tribute

Good luck.


go for standard build. it is the best.adding a lot of card that are not gb slow your deck

The New King of Pop2010-01-26T06:18:19Z
