Why doesn't he want me?
Unrequited love is the worst pain I've ever felt. This is me.
Unrequited love is the worst pain I've ever felt. This is me.
Favorite Answer
No one besides him can tell you the answer to that. However someone is not going to want to be with you solely because they find you physically attractive, and different guys find different things attractive! Attraction is about a lot more than what you look like on the out side, unless you are looking for a purley physical relation ship of no substance? I mean think about all the things that make him attractive to you, there is a lot more to it than how he looks right!? I think he just is not attracted to you, he feels no spark with you. Maybe its because you like him so much that there is no challenge no chase for him to work for? Most guys are more attracted to a girl they have to pursue rather than one that is pursing them! Back off a bit and try to date other guys, it will help you feel better and move and and who knows when he sees other guys interested in you maybe he will try to win you back but don't count on it just try to move on!
Your gorgeous! So it isn't your looks. Another factor could be your personality, but I can't get a sense of it from a picture. We'll give you the benefit of the doubt here, for the most part.
With this exception, Self image: what image you have of yourself, that your portraying to others. You may need help here. A healthy self image should give you the confidence you need to to care less if a guy doesn't like you the same way you do. You should be confident that you have the goods, even though they don't see it. This allows you to move on to the next one with a healthy level of indifference. Then, on the other hand, there may be plenty of guys that do see it, but your to busy wanting someone who doesn't want you, that you just can't see it. Ever seen the movie "He's Just Not That Into You"? Very profound message there. Check it out if you haven't.
I can assure you that it is NOT you! I've talked to you but briefly, but I already know that you have a heart of finest gold. And yes, I am infinitely familiar with the pain of unrequited love. You're right - it IS the worst.
*Sincere, warm hug*
Well I sort of understood y he doesnt want u. May b because u r kinda gal who asks for comments on her looks to strangers online. No sensible gal with a mind ll ever do that. So concentrate on ur personality and brains than ur looks. Guys definitely get attracted to hot gals but what makes them stay is personality of the gal.
sometimes it's so much more simple than you think. he doesn't want you and that's that. i am going through the same thing and at this point you have to bite the bullet and be the better one. suck up your pride and make sure he knows you dont need him!(even if you still do)
it sucks. i know- good luck