I can't install itunes onto my toshiba notebook with vista, and adobe photoshop says i don't have enough ram.?

I do have enough ram...far more than enough, the satellite notebook is over 200 gigs and has 3 megs of ram (I think) and it is about one year old. Anyway, it runs everything else. I have not been able to use the photoshop since I first got the computer, and I only recently tried to install itunes (it tells me that there is a problem with the installer...but I can and have installed many other things). All virus and adware scans come up clean. I think these two problems might be related? Any thoughts?


Pardon me I mistypped, it is a laptop...not a notebook.


if it runs vista i think it should run iTunes.

as for the Adobe Photoshop maybe you need the lastest version, other than that i cannot help.