Magic the Gathering: In your opinion, what's the best Shard of Alara?

And don't base it on cards; just base it around abilities (like Exalted, Unearth, etc.) and how that Shard would generally act in a "Shard war".

I would personally say either Grixis or Bant. Grixis because they can reuse their army, and Bant because they can set up amazing defenses.


Favorite Answer

Grixis was the strongest, due to Controls decks built around Cruel Ultimatum


haha agree with arix AGAIN, lol design failure, the set was awful, non of the mechanic are particularly good outside ofn limited. having said that in a shard war bant or esper. technology vs military might.
bant is the only shard with a standing army, but esper has robots. hmmm


Being a dragon fanatic, Jund has to be my personal favourite.

That said, I think Alara as a whole was a huge design failure and hope it won't be repeated any time soon (which is a shame, because I really liked the idea behind it).