equations/formulas help?

Ok, I have more than one question here. I tried googling these but there weren't any helpful results.
My first question: What is the equation/formula to find the orbital period of something, using ONLY its speed??

My second question: What is the formula for finding the semi-major axis of something using ONLY its speed??

my third question: What is he formula for finding the eccentricity of an orbit using ONLY the orbital period?

I appreciate all your answers, thank you.


Favorite Answer

None of these exist. Here is why.

Orbits are ellipses. The shape of the ellips is defined by the semi-major axis A and the eccentricity E.

All orbits with the same A will have the same orbital period P, but the total length of the orbit will be a (rather convoluted) function of A and E.

Conclusion: the average speed depends on three parameters A, E, and P, not one.


A squared + B squared = C squared.