Have any of you had a lousy experience with marriage counseling?
I went to 9 marriage counselors trying to work things out with my ex wife. I just wanted her to respect me and not scream f**ck you every time that she got mad. I just wanted her to talk to me and work things out. She was very emotionally and verbally abusive. I stuck it out for 18 years but finally could not take it anymore. None of the counselors helped or even suggested to her that she was being abusive.
I have talked to a lot of people who have had equally bad or worse situations with traditional marriage counselors.
That is why I am a marriage and sexual coach today. I have degrees and stuff so I am qualified, but I am just wondering how the rest of you adults have had any such experience. If you would be willing to talk to me about it, I am writing a book about it. You can reach me at marriagecoach1@yahoo.com I
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LOL. Yes, I've been to marriage counselling and it was a waste of time. We still laugh about the guy. All he would say is "how did that make you feel". And cut us off at the end of the session. It's a shame because people seek counseling as a last resort.
I am willing to talk about my experience and I will send you an email.
yep, have been to couples councelling b4. most councillors are female, and will take the female side everytime.
They forget their training about being unbiased the minute they start practicing. Sure I'm sure they see alot of battered women, but to think that every guy is the problem is just BS!
I have psych degrees now, and so does my wife, so we communicate, no problems there.
I wouldn't dream of sending any one i know to a Counsellor (no offense) but unless u have a Degree in Psychology or Psychiatry you really haven't had the appropriate training required to be an effective Councillor.
All the counseling me and my husband have had was a bunch of bologna. I don't think they even really listened to anything we had to say. One guy actually came out and said to my husband "If I was your wife I'd leave your a** too", wow that was a lot of help.
I'm sorry that your marriage didn't work out and I hope your book goes great.
hi im the one who just asked the question , never kissed, never had sex, senior, and you commented me on my spelling. how can you be a marriage and sexual coach and give me such crappy advice? haha. thats not exactly the answer i was looking For. im a young girl and i was really looking for advice on my question because it is something that bothers me, especially how society is today you know? its like, looked as horrible if your a virgin nowadays . its rediculous. well your a man i doubt you care. But im sorry that i offended you with my horrible spelling. next time i will capitilaze my i's. have a goodnight.
I found the marraige counsellor that I went to, to be quite patient and kind, I refused to go in and see him in the beginning my hubby went to see him first. But he gently encouraged me to come in and really listened when I spoke.