If evolution isn't real, because we just couldn't have come from primates. Not like we're animals or anything. & religion isn't real because man did not just appear. 1 minute dirt, poof, next minute man. The body is way too complex for that to even be a possibility. So, my question is, if evolution isn't real & religion isn't real, what else is there? I've thought about the aliens peeing in the water, but that would lead to evolution. My psych teacher said that denying evolution didn't mean you believed the earth was created in 6 days. That's what brought this on. I'm not asking for serious answers, but at least read the question before you answer. No this isn't an assignment or I'd be on my college website, not here.
I thought it was a pigment of my hallucination, but then 1 day I was sober. It was horrible.
Based on evidence gathered, aliens abduct the least likely candidates.
I never said evolution wasn't real, I said "If evolution isn't real". That isn't even remotely near the question. For my psych teacher to say that made me wonder how many other ways there are to explain man's existance.
and again, I'm not looking for you to explain evolution. Think of this as a multiple choice question: How did man come into existance? a evolution, b religious beliefs, c ... What would be the choice for c?
huliendin returns2010-02-04T22:56:33Z
Favorite Answer
Hint, hint... Scientology!
Scientology is actually the most feasible of all the religions. It is actually possible! I'm not saying that some alien king named Xenu or whatever had alien ghosts populate bodies or whatever the South Park episode said, but the idea that humans populated the earth because aliens put them there could actually work.
It is the most important question. Who are we, what are we really? Are we this "animal" this flesh and blood that seems to be evolving from the single cell through the Darwinian evolution to its present form, where we are still nothing more but a glorified animal, still automatically chasing our instincts and random desires, or are we some completely detached "higher beings" dressing in this "body" and then leaving later after this "body" dies returning to some kind of "afterlife"? The truth is: none of the above. Moreover the reality we seem to sense at the moment is not even real. It is just a theatre, a movie, a dream or illusion for us to start our path towards the true Human state. The whole of human history, evolution, our whole present life is just a backdrop, a beautifully detailed movie set. In truth our whole matter is a desire, our real body is this desire, which is a desire to receive as much pleasure as possible. At this point we try to absorb everything inside ourselves, only caring about our own pleasure, our only connection to others exists only when we can use them for our own purposes. Being Human means, that we train this desire to use itself for the sake of others, instead of just caring about itself. By that we can connect all of us together into a huge network of desires working together for each other selflessly. As soon as we managed to step out of our own bubble, and turn to others, and start feeling and fulfilling the desires of others, a completely new world opens up for us, and within that new reality we find the real "self". Because in truth there is only one creature, this one, single, common desire in which we are all parts. Even this movie, this perceived physical reality starts to show itself to us as a global, interconnected, interdependent system, where we are all chained together. But we are in a game now, where we were seemingly separated from each other, so we can consciously find the connection to each other and connect the parts of the puzzle together again by our own effort by our own free choice. The real "self", the Human being is that observer that realizes this picture, starts seeing beyond this movie, while still in the movie, and start putting the puzzle pieces together. We can choose to remain sleeping and think about dinosaurs, and other steps of our "evolution", and think where we might end up in this dream 100 years, 200 years and so on from now. Or we can accept the invitation to wake up and return to our true existence, to our real self. The alarm clock is ringing. I hope it is not too confusing, I would recommend the links below for further clarification. All the best.
The problem with evolution is that it relies on a myriad of coincidences, eons and eons of time, espoused with the just right combination of the just right conditions, marinated with the just right sauces... only to be bombarded by the right amount of electrical energy which was displaced in that just right amount, consistency and voltage/wattage... and presto!... a single-cell life form materializes and eons and eons of time coupled with myriad upon myriad of further coincidences and it becomes every species on the planet, including homo sapiens.
Now the Bible's premise is that a spiritual Being, all knowing and all powerful, created everything that exists out of nothing--coincidentally, this particular version does include all of existence both the planet, the solar system and the universe--plus temporal and spiritual realms.) The Bible does not state that Creation happened in a six-twenty-four-hour period!
Well, particles and vibration are all there is in the entire universe. Everything is made of the same substance, having different mixture, they appear different. It evolves within itself outward and fall back in. Like breathing . Religion means to attach and idea to a feeling. When someone says he has no religion. He is actually demonstrating his very faith. So religion exist in the heart of every one, we cannot escape it, for we have the power to think.(this is the vibration again). We are made of 11,000,000,000,000,000,000 of particles. In 335 days, every one of these little balls will be completely replaced by different ones. the reason we will look the same is because of our personal expectation. the world we see is not solid at all. So there is no beginning and no end, because infinity exists and it means exactly that. We go inward forever or outward forever. Similar to the water system on earth, it goes up and down...