Are there any potential laws to change private adoptions?

I don't mean to sound like an idiot, but I am curious about this. I know adoption in general is a touchy subject. I have only dealt with foster care/adoptions. Obviously children being taken from their parents for abuse/neglect, etc is horrible, but I have to admit that they way they go about it is pretty ethical. They give the parents a zillion chances and so much help, and they do look for family members to adopt the children first. It doesn't always work out perfectly, but in my experiences, the best interest is for the child. If they don't think the foster family is a good fit, they don't let you adopt. You can't just pick your child and "get" them. A lot goes into this between the workers and the guardians. And it certainly doesn't revolve around money... we don't pay the state in order to adopt our children.
I don't understand why private adoptions aren't run in a similar way. It shouldn't be about profit! They shouldn't try to convince women to give up their children. I know ALL agencies aren't bad, so please don't attack me.
So I wonder if there's anything in the works in regards to changing the laws for them.

julie j2010-02-07T23:58:09Z

Favorite Answer

Hi kennebunklmt,

I agree with you that finding homes for children in need should never involve profit!
Some countries have already outlawed private adoptions due to the unethical nature of them. The children are the true clients, not adults. Adoption should be only a social service for children. Thanks for asking.

julie j
reunited adult adoptee


In the USA there are thousands of bills introduced in the state legislatures, and there is legislative action going on all of the time, behind the scenes(bill-writing committees).

In order to find out what is happening in your state regarding adoption/childwelfare/family legislation, you can go to your state government website. then click on the "legislature' or 'general assembly" page. You will find information about bills.

every state is different, and each state is supposed to legislate and regulate adoption.

Private adoptions are a business, and they have lobbyists. The quad-A attorneys control a lot of the process.Private agencies form associations which lobby the legislature. they have a lot of power, and they are getting more, because the federal gov't has given them more.

and they are getting richer.