What's up with Shawn Michaels? His obesity to face Taker? Hbk's retirement is near??

I mean what he said last night could not be easily ignored, he said his carrier is already over. will This storyline be ended in Hbk's retirement?


Favorite Answer

"ObSesity" is bad english for Obsession. I really hope you tried to say that, not like "obesity"which means being fat.

And yes, HBK is obsessed, but look at past storylines. Is it really the first time? Wasn't he obsessed with Montreal ? (for obvious reasons? ) With Hulk Hogan ? etc?

He's a good showman and he's excelent at selling those storylines. Thats all there is. (IMO)

Cult Of Personality2010-02-09T07:26:51Z

Obesity? anyway...it's a way to turn HBK into a Heel.and it's his Ego attacking right now.HBK won't beat the Undertaker.


I am no 1 Fan of HBK.....

I hated when he lost to Randy orton.....

He is Greatest of all time..

Rhyanna M2010-02-09T21:34:43Z

hbk is not over i hope

Go Reds/Buckeyes/Bengals2010-02-09T07:24:07Z

He said his career is over.

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