Yahoo address has a letter "M" in the address bar, what is it for and why is it needed?

I have notice the yahoo address is different. The address that shows in my address bar is What is the m for in the address? It started about the time yahoo changed its format.


Favorite Answer is not the version for mobiles, it is the url for the New Yahoo home page which has been introduced since last year to all users worldwide. The <m> in the url is supposed to stand for <my>. As Yahoo has stated, the letter <m> will be taken off the url again, meanwhile it already happened to some users who reported about it on YA.


I think it has to do with your viewing format and the "M" is for mobile. if you look at the bottom of that page ( you should be able to change it by selecting the 'desktop' option. It should turn back to normal ( Unless of course you're using a your mobile phone to access the Yahoo site in that case, you might want to leave it alone.


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