What do you think of waiting for someone to give you a date for a party?

A friend and I are wanting to give another friends' daughter a graduation party. We have been friends for years and do allot together. However, the friend who has the daughter is quite status conscious. She actually asked the other friend if she would have a party for her daughter. Then today, when asked about the date she said, "well, there's going to be another party (for the special kids) and she didn't know the date yet of that party so she couldn't say. After my friend told me this I called the other friend and asked her what would be a good date to see what she would say (because I couldn't believe it). She said well, she didn't know because that other party was either April or maybe even March! WTF? So, what would you do and what do you think about this so called friend? I feel like we are chopped liver here and our party is going to take second place.


EDIT: Thank you Ms I and Ms Mat for your responses. You both were on target. The friend with the pool really doesn't want to have a party for other friends daughter so I think she will let the other friend know and soon. The daughter may not be "invited" to the special graduation party after all so we will see what happens. Whichever way my friend w/pool wants to go I will help. It's her decision. I have always known friend #3 was a snob and social climber and she has yet to learn her lesson.


Favorite Answer

This is a very sorry friend. She cares more about "status" and "hoping" that her daughter will be invited to the "right parties" than the fact that her dearest friends are willing to GIVE her daughter a party. This is when you need to let honesty be your best friend and the three of you (just the three friends without the daughter) and you two need to speak openly and honestly about how you feel about the way you are being basically ignored and pushed to the side when you are willing to do something out of kindness and love and friendship. Remind your friend that she needs to think about with is really important in life and that friends will always mean more and be around longer than "status symbols". Explain that you were just trying to do a good thing and that being "shot down" truly hurt your feelings and that you want to know what exactly she wants you to do. Explain to her that this is her last chance to allow you to plan this party or it's over. Let her speak her peace and if she chooses not to then let her live with her choice. Perhaps after that you may also want to think about whether she is really a friend and someone you want to continue a serious friendship with. Good luck.
Peace, Love & Happiness

Ms Mat Urity2010-02-10T19:11:21Z

Oooooh this all is strange to me. I take it you are not UK? I am presuming this is some sort of school graduation? Here Graduation is usually from university and you don't usually know the date until about 2 -3 weeks prior to the ceremony (just throwning that it for you to see how things are done here). To be honest I don't think what the issue is about is important, it's all about your friend 'social climbing' and making you and your other friend feel like sh-t. If you are 3 good friends I think you should talk about this over a cuppa or a glass of wine. If the 2 of you just speak of i between yourselves you will get angrier and angrier and end up blowing it all out of proportion. Tell her you are both her friends, it's not that you are 'ganging up' against her, just that the two of you feel the same. I imagine depending on her reaction will determine where the friendship will go from there. Being a mum myself I wonder if there could be another reason and your friend too embarrassed to say. Kids can be so pretentious and just wonder could it be the daughter that is wanting to be invited to the party for 'the special kids' and being a really little prig saying she must know when this is first and her mum is so ashamed of her she doesn't want to say?.....Just a thought!