Why is Yahoo! Answers trying to download files to my PC?

Just today (and I've been here on Y!A while) my computer (IE8) is giving me a message....

"To help protect your security, Internet Explorer blocked this site from downloading files to your computer. Click here for options..."

I've changed no settings, my firewall is working as usual, my antivirus is up to date.

Though I consider Y!A a trusted site, I don't want any unasked for files put on my system.
Any ideas what they might be?


Favorite Answer

I've never gotten that or heard of that before. it's most likely caused by something else, perhaps malware or other virus. Yahoo answers doesn't need you to download any software to use its site. The only thing I can think of is maybe some of the ads that use flash may be giving that kind of message. Of course flash is okay to download. there should be a More information option or similar that will tell you what it's trying to download.


I wouldn't download them. I don't know what Y!A could possibly need to put on your system. I'd go get Malwarebytes and see if there's something on your system triggering that alert.