Do you plan to watch the Winter Olympics?

Do you plan to watch the Winter Olympics?

Yes -- It's the only opportunity to see the best white athletes who grew up in cold climates compete all in once place!

Maybe -- I'll watch if all the competitors in every sport dress up in swan costumes like Johnny Weir

No -- I'm still watching NBC's coverage of the 2006 Winter Games on tape delay


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I actually prefer them over the Summer Olympics...
....Yes I plan on watching CBC's coverage....


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Who is Johnny Weir?

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Never mind...I just found out who he is. You must be a pretty big I've never heard of him before. This might also be due to the fact that he's on the U.S. figure skating team. One of our best Canadian figure skaters was a "real man"...he didn't have those "identity" issues. His name was Elvis, Lol....

Edit - knh959...

Hmmm...thanks for the heads up. Since 1956, they have always been broadcast on CBC...I'm sure my remote control would have figured this out :)


Honestly, I don't care that much and I'm actually Canadian. I know, I should lose my citizenship over this. But I'm seeing patriotic commercials non-stop, and I read about how Canada doesn't let other countries' athletes practice much on their soil compared to previous Olympics. Plus I find hockey to be too violent. I know, I should be kicked out of the country!

I saw a show today where an RCMP (Mounties) officer was about to give someone a speeding ticket. Then he realized the driver was wearing a Canada hockey uniform with Canadian flags sticking out of his car, and was driving to see the games. He asked "who will win hockey gold" and the driver said "go Canada!", so he was let go.


Yes I'll be watching.

For Smiley - if you're looking for the Olympics on CBC you're going to be disappointed. It's on CTV and Sportsnet.


Absolutely - I will have CNBC on for more hours the next week than I will the following four years because they cover the curling!


yes i will be and rooting for an somewhat area girl atmpt to medal in speed skating she went to the same as Bonnie Blair

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