Christian: Are you bold enough to look a stranger in the eye and say they must say the sinner's prayer?

Or would you rather hide in the shadows of Internet anonymity and think you are getting a cookie from God every time to cut-and-paste the sinner's prayer here?

Jesus taught that if we don't stand upright for the Father, He won't recognize us.
In Romans 1:16, Paul declares boldly that his is not ashamed of the gospel.


Slow down a bit, folks. If I said what I was actually thinking, the question would be zapped.


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No I would never say that, for if I would have to make judge of someone before I could classify them as a sinner. By judging someone as a sinner may make me out to be a lesser person than whom I am accusing.


You know I thought about this also.
It is only the people who want to accept Jesus into their lives but I have been on here and said the sinners prayer. Only Jesus knows those who read my sinners prayer and accepted them into their hearts. Same goes for David and some other guy who copy and pastes the sinners prayer.,


Then why did God inspire the start of additional religions, including some that offer alternatives to believing in Jesus? Mankind has turned God into a competitive business.


MUST ...I'd tell them the Gospel but even God gives you a choice we are simply called to share not to "force"

I am not not ashamed of the gospel nor it's power, I will never deny God or Jesus....but everyone has free will, if your dieing of thirst and I give you water and you refuse to drink you chose to die I did not kill you.


Yes. I've done it. (Looked a stranger in the eye etc.)

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