Need a website for National and Internation dates in History?

I have to do a project and am wanting to know websites for National and International dates on May 3, 1994 May 3, 1999 May 3, 2004 and May 3, 2009....

Its for a US Issues project and I'm having a HECK of a time finding National and International dates

It can't be sports or entertainment unless its a major event like baseball strike, famous death ect.

PLEASE HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks in advance.


Favorite Answer

You could try the link below. When you connect, click The Year Page.
There you would enter, for ex., May 1994. It will show you a list of Deaths during that month and then Events during that that month. In that section you might find historical information that you can use (or, in the Deaths section you might that a famous person died on May 3, 1994).

You will simply have to enter each of your dates.