How do you feel whenever your contacts starred the irritating questions?
Or the questions which you dont like or the topics which you dont have any interest to know?
But I too have very good contacts like Maximdude, haritha,kumar etc etc who are starring very good/interesting questions. But I got irritation when some of contacts always starring only the R&S questions for no matter.
dazzling girl2010-02-16T20:30:04Z
Favorite Answer
may be they starred those kind of questions because those questions were asked by their friends! this is the simple logic
and maximdude , kumar their contacts are always asking unique questions! i agree but for example if i ask an ordinary question my friend will star me and vice versa
i will star some of my friends questions because i want to read them whenever i want to read because starred questions come under separate section that's why
and another point many friends in my circle can answer the questions starred by me!
I have learnt to take it in my stride and answer only those that I feel I am competent to answer.The rest I ignore.And I know that my contacts won't mind because if they do they are going to remove the contact.So far no one has done so which indicates to me that they are all understanding people who respect my choice of questions to answer as I respect them and their desire to star to show me what their interests are.I learn something about my contacts such as their interests,attitudes etc.I never get irritated by any question.The only thing that used to irritate me was when some idiot gives my answer a thumbs down for no valid reason but just for the heck of it.Even that I now have learnt to tolerate because I feel superior to that person whom I consider a total ignoramus not worthy of any reaction from a SBWSC like me.(The expanded form is "supercilious bastard with supreme conceit" which I am proud to acknowledge that I am). Have a Great Day.
I star a question if I answer it - the theory is you star a question if it's interesting and if it wasn't interesting I wouldn't answer it anyway. Sometimes I don't answer questions of my contacts if it's a question I can't answer (like a survey for ladies or something like that). In that case I don't star it. There are some exceptions though. Some of my contacts always get stars if I see their question, whether I answer it or not.
Simply ignore, sometime I read and ignore. One day I will remove them from my contact... So no problems. Funny thing is they star the question but never tried to answer it.
Some users ask to star their question! They even asked a question based on this!
The questions that i like very much may not be very fond to other's and vice versa . If i get irritation , i just ignore them instead of blaming the asker .