Tax question regarding in home child care?

I was told that I could write off loads of laundry and drying that my wife does for the child care. She currently washes 2 loads per week for the kids. In Calif what would be a reasonable amount to deduct for a load of wash and a dry.
or is there a standard rate?
1 last thing. Where do I put this in on my taxes..I assume the Schedule C, but as what or exactly where? Thanks so much for your help


Favorite Answer

The cost of laundry supplies goes on Line 22 of Schedule C. Form 8829 Business Use of Home is where you dedect the cost of Utilities, as a percentage.
This link to the irs provides some usefull information regarding the operation of a day care facility, in home.,,id=206004,00.html#expenseissues

Wayne Z2010-02-15T01:23:44Z


She can deduct the cost of the detergent and other supplies but there is no standard amount for laundry to deduct. The utilities used to wash would flow through as normal based on a percentage of use.