How I apply for section 8 housing in West TN?

I have contacted the local housing authority offices near me and it seems they have been closed for 2 weeks now. I've also tried to find it on the web but all of the links are dead. Does anyone have any info on applying in TN?


Favorite Answer

Are they closed because they are not accepting any additional applications for section 8 or is there another reason that they are closed?

Are they closed because they only have a limited number of individuals that work in that department?

You might drop by to find out the reason they are closed. You might be able to pick up an application even though they might not be physically open for the day.

At any rate upon going to the office you will find out the real reason they are closed.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.



You already found out, the list is closed.

You can only apply in 2 counties, the one you legally reside in now and the one where you work, if it is different then the one you live in.