Need a tax expert please !!!!!!!!?
I am an advocate for psychiatric patients that earn very little or no income. I help them get free medications and treatment. The medications come from the manufacturers and when filling out an application they always ask for proof of income. 2 questions:
1. Is their a form they can fill out stating they did not worked last year or many years (form number would be great).
2. If they worked a couple of months were permanently laid off and collected unemployment the rest of the year, are they eligible for EIC if the unemployment money put them over the limit(I don't see how that's possible but appears to be the case as they claimed to dependent children)?
This is for a worthy cause and I really need someone with real Income Tax knowledge!!!
They really need this help especially when we all now know the current administration no longer has any interest in health care. Just another in a long line of broken promises.
I understand dependent children do not receive EIC but a person that worked for 2 months then 10 months of unemployment and had qualifying children to help qualify the wage earner for EIC or greater EIC. They made about 2000 USD. Unemployment notwithstanding, would they qualify for EIC?
I was on unemployment all year paid 10% tax on it and I got $3.00 (that's not a typo) for my daughter.
Well I finally got through to the IRS there is a form that I can use. It's called a certification of non-filing in a wage and income transcript. You can collect EIC if you earned at least one dollar and it goes up from their (unemployment notwithstanding). Also, the more qualifying children you have for EIC the more money you get back. Even I knew that. I can also get there tax refund transcripts with a simple phone call or filing for power of attorney.
Thank you for your answers.