What happened to the Teacher Blowing people away story?

If it was some right wing wack job the media would still be talking about it


First of all, you should have chosen your wording a little more carefully, that could piss some people off, it sounds "insensitive". But, on a serious note, she should be going to jail for a very long time. There just isn't that much to talk about, her case was pretty much cut and dried.She had been suspect of criminal activities earlier in her life, including killing her brother. They didn't think she had done them, now they know she did.Other than that, it was just another shooting. Dead Teachers don't matter to the media, only dead kids.They draw more of a crowd.

Mike S2010-02-16T12:50:18Z

The media is still talking about it. I just heard an snippet about it on that dastardly Fox network. Hmmm, maybe it is a fair and balanced network. Good luck to you