I've got a question on boots.?

I really like the black three layered fringe boots from minnetonka but my question is do you think the fringe boot style will stay lik ugg boots or do you think it will be gone by next year. Also where can you get the boots for a really cheap price, beside from ebay.


Favorite Answer

Fringe is just a phase, so I suggest not getting these boots if you want to keep them for long. Try wearing an all-time classic, like the classic uggs, or if your looking for somethinhg cheaper, you can try ugg look alikes, but they're nothing compared to the real uggs. Try looking at amazon.com.


i think fringe boots are going to go out of style and i read somewhere that uggs might too. to find boots that are are cheap check sales in your area.


i think they will be really cute this summer with shorts or a dress and at least last this upcoming year... i think they are a good idea to buy
i saw themfor cheap at journeys
and i also saw some look alikes at walmart but not by minnetonka
Are you on the east or west coast?


Ehh, i think they'll stay for a year or so. Not as long as Uggs ;)


ugg boots are thin and get wet easy so if it snows alot where you live or is really hot dont get uggs!!!
also fringe boots are ugly
try these