How do I get laptop desktop to fit flat screen display?
The desktop is so large on the monitor only 5 or so icons show up on the screen, is there a way to adjust the view so it looks normal and fits the flat screen?
please give step by step.
Using a S Video Cable if that matters
1st person to post instructions that work will be given best answer
Favorite Answer
Right click on your desktop Go to Properties Settings (and adjust the screen resolution on that page)
Assuming that you are using windows XP.Vista is similar.
S-video is a LOW DEFINITION connection, an obsolete composited format from the days of old analog low-def boob-tube TVs. It can only transmit low resolutions, which is why your desktop area is so small and the icons so big.
In other words, S-video is garbage.
You want a better image, you need a better-quality connection like VGA, DVI or HDMI. Those are high-definition connections.
Has the computer your going to purchase bypass provisions for a docking station or a port replicator? Which basically turns it into computer mode by stand and time-honored keyboard, in any different case it ain't so clever?