Computer Hack How can a person find out if someone is or has hack in their computer.?

Dos or some sign should be able to tell you someone else is in your computer.


There are logs, however, its nearly impossible to decipher them due to the fact there are countless IP logs of what sites you visited and etc. However, a surefire way of telling if someone has been in your computer is to do a virus scan. If you see any trojan related to downloader/subseven/client/server.exe/ and so on and so forth, you have been hacked most likely. If its just tracking cookies, or if its only a simple virus, then most likely not. Hacked computers have hundreds of viruses along with trojans/droppers that usually the hacker leaves behind due to the fact as long as they exist, he has access to your computer.

The sign: Trojan Horses in your computer combined with mysterious things happening(mouse moves on its own, your identity got stolen, etc.)


Symptoms of a Hacked Computer
If your computer experiences any of the following symptoms below, you may be infected with an Internet Trojan and hackers may have the ability to invade your computer.

•Computer suddenly starts running slow.
•Settings were changed without your knowledge. Your web browser home page or file information.
•Suddenly slow internet access.
•Additional internet activity detected without you using any programs accessing the internet.
•Abnormal running files/processes in the task manager.